I forked the template lib as proposed by the wiki.
all works fine.
but I'd like to know which folder is the best to push on github between your eclipse based forked stuff AND the folder where the library compiled is placed .
Indeed, if the fork comes with a .git stuff (indeed, we clone it in eclipse at some point), javadocs etc are updated only in the final folder (the lib one)
I'm working on a concept of a library that would help me to calculate all frames result of let's say ... 1000 executions of loop() and that would store the result into a png file WITHOUT displaying it in real time on the display window.
I used to play with Max6 and other stuff while performing live but I'd like to test/use processing on stage now.
Indeed, the workflow I have with processing is really smooth and I have a tons of small patterns.
Is there a best practice way/guide to use it on stage and to be able to switch between sketches?
I like to use VDMX to grab processing content through syphon
my setup when I use it is :
visual : processing > syphon > vdmx
audio: Live > osc from audio analysis (or not) + clock > processing and vdmx
But I'd like to be able to load sketches at run time in order to switch on stage.
Of course, using switches in draw(), I can aggregate a bunch of sketched together, but it involves to have A LOT of global variables especially and it isn't optimized as far as I tested (even if it works)
Is there a way to integrate our app + code in wordpress?
I saw some syntax highlighters working nicely.
But I'd like to know about the app itself. Indeed, we can include applets in posts, but imagine to include one applet per post on the homepage showing the latest 10 posts, the website visitor cpu would burnt :-/
There is the option to not show all the post but an excerpt only, but it is not really attractive except if you put a picture snapshot of the app.
So I just wanted to know what you were using. I probably missed THE way you all use here.
prototyping a drone machine involving little objects moving on the playground, I want to track distances.
I'm currently okay with 2 objects.
I'm sending distance value using OSC to max6 patch.
the closer the objects are, the higher (volume) the sound is.
it works very fine, smoothy etc.
now, improving it.
I need more objects of course.
I'd like to track all distances (before to implement a grid to track distance more efficiently)
would you have a lib, a tip, a code to efficiently track this and eventually process it (especially, I'll filter all above a particular distance limit, for instance) ?