Inspired by the work of Robert Hodgin. Using pogg library to play back .ogg movies in Applets.
Balls repels each other and their radius changes inversely to the images's brightness.
I am experimenting a bit with the awesome toxiclibs to create some algebraic surfaces.
I ended up with some surfaces wich i like and would like to print (via stl to willing to create some table lamps. The problem is the surfaces (without closing the volumes) are very thin. How do you extrude a surface like that? I'm not sure they'll be able to print it.
.... volume.setVoxelAt(x, y, z, drawSurface(pos));
mesh = new TriangleMesh("iso"); surface = new HashIsoSurface(volume,0.3f); surface.computeSurfaceMesh(mesh,ISO_THRESHOLD);
float drawSurface(PVector pos) { PVector v1 = PVector.mult(pos, 0.1); float x = v1.x; float y = v1.y; float z = v1.z;
based on two other sketches (BZ reaction by A. Turner and Ocean by echoechonoisenoise).
I liked the effect so much I wanted to investigate on it... I started with the
2D version.
Just wanted to share with you some renderings i've been doing with hemsh + sunflowapiapi.
Once a hole have been created, its coords are saved and a new polygon is created where the hole was... see the glass shader?
An extended version of an old sketch of mine, We Are Pixels.
Press keys a,b,c,d,e to morph from one sentence to another. p.s. I've been lazy with the code, but it works