Hi there! My name is Arielle, and I'm a game design student. I'm currently taking a class called "Frontiers of Game Design," where we use Processing to make interactive art. I have a project due next week, and I decided to make a program called "Rainbow Squigglevision Maker." Basically, the user can draw within the canvas, akin to making a drawing in Microsoft Paint. The ellipses that make up the drawing have a random stroke and fill, and they will "vibrate" when drawn, which will give it a similar appearance to the "squigglevision" animation technique. The problem is, I don't know how to make the shapes continuously "vibrate" once they're drawn.
Here's what I have done so far:
Let the user draw small ellipses on the canvas when the mouse is pressed
Randomize the fill and stroke of each ellipse
Let the user "erase" their canvas (technically, turn it white) when the spacebar is pressed
I just need help with getting the ellipses to vibrate in place once they're drawn. Here's what I've written so far:
// Sets up the canvas.
void setup() {
// Size of canvas is 500 x 500
// Background color is 255 (white)
void draw() {
// Nothing happens in draw() in this example!
// When the mouse button is clicked and dragged, the code executes.
// When the mouse is dragged, create the ellipses.