Processing Forum
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    have no previous programming experience apart from some Action scriptand modifying some github projects, I dabbled in processing before but didn't venture into addressing objects and importing.

    I was wondering if learning processing would be apt for the tasks detailed belowe. Processing offers some object import functions but I couldn't tell if it would suffice, C++ naturally has various image processing libraries, Marvin seems to also offer the capability, Matlab I know to be very powerful but you might say it is too difficult a hill to climb before I reach image processing. While I am willing to re-study some calc/matrix/stats, I don't want it to take years before I start playing around. I really hope that processing would be a good solution as I am interested in data vis and generative imaging as well.

     example tasks: averaging 1000+ images, doing subtraction/difference calculation, generation of random images, and extracting sequential pixels/parts from images and combining them in another image ([x1,x2,x3][y1,y2,y3][z1,z2,z3] -> [x1,y2,z3]). Perhaps dealing with interaction / realtime output in the future