The premise here is, if you hit a golf ball, a FSR on the head of the club starts a timer. If within say, 5 seconds, FSR in the cup does not register the ball has gone in it, a video will play telling you "Keep practicing!", ect. I'm having a bit of trouble with the code, especially on the processing side. Any help would be appreciated.
goodOne = new Movie(this, "goodOne.mp4"); goodTwo = new Movie(this, "goodTwo.mp4"); goodThree = new Movie(this, "goodThree.mp4"); goodFour = new Movie(this, "goodFour.mp4"); goodFive = new Movie(this, "goodFive.mp4"); goodSix = new Movie(this, "goodSix.mp4"); goodSeven = new Movie(this, "goodSeven.mp4"); goodEight = new Movie(this, "goodEight.mp4"); goodNine = new Movie(this, "goodNine.mp4"); goodTen = new Movie(this, "goodTen.mp4"); goodEleven = new Movie(this, "goodEleven.mp4"); goodTwelve = new Movie(this, "goodTwelve.mp4"); goodThirteen = new Movie(this, "goodThirteen.mp4"); goodFourteen = new Movie(this, "goodFourteen.mp4"); goodFifteen = new Movie(this, "goodFifteen.mp4"); goodSixteen = new Movie(this, "goodSixteen.mp4"); goodSeventeen = new Movie(this, "goodSeventeen.mp4"); badOne = new Movie(this, "badOne.mp4"); badTwo = new Movie(this, "badTwo.mp4"); badThree = new Movie(this, "badThree.mp4"); badFour = new Movie(this, "badFour.mp4"); badFive = new Movie(this, "badFive.mp4"); badSix = new Movie(this, "badSix.mp4"); badSeven = new Movie(this, "badSeven.mp4"); badEight = new Movie(this, "badEight.mp4"); badNine = new Movie(this, "badNine.mp4"); badTen = new Movie(this, "badTen.mp4"); badEleven = new Movie(this, "badEleven.mp4"); badTwelve = new Movie(this, "badTwelve.mp4"); badThirteen = new Movie(this, "badThirteen.mp4"); badFourteen = new Movie(this, "badFourteen.mp4"); badFifteen = new Movie(this, "badFifteen.mp4"); badSixteen = new Movie(this, "badixteen.mp4"); badSeventeen = new Movie(this, "badSeventeen.mp4"); badEighteen = new Movie(this, "badEighteen.mp4"); badNineteen = new Movie(this, "badNineteen.mp4"); badTwenty = new Movie(this, "badTwenty.mp4"); badTwentyone = new Movie(this, "badTwentyone.mp4"); badTwentytwo = new Movie(this, "badTwentytwo.mp4"); badTwentythree = new Movie(this, "badTwentythree.mp4"); badTwentyfour = new Movie(this, "badTwentyfour.mp4"); badTwentyfive = new Movie(this, "badTwentyfive.mp4"); timer = new Timer(5000);println(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); }
void draw() { // set the background color with the color values: background(0); }
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { // get the ASCII string: String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (inString != null) { // trim off any whitespace: inString = trim(inString); // split the string on the commas and convert the // resulting substrings into an integer array: float[] colors = float(split(inString, ",")); // if the array has at least three elements, you know // you got the whole thing. Put the numbers in the // color variables: if (colors.length >=3) { // map them to the range 0-255: redValue = map(colors[0], 0, 1023, 0, 255); greenValue = map(colors[1], 0, 1023, 0, 255); } } }
I'm working off a color mixing arduino -> processing sketch so thats why the bottom is redvalues and greenvalues, i have changed these to clubvalues and cup values. whenever the fsr registers a value over 1, that should start or stop the timer. i'm kind of using it as a switch here and not an actual analog sensor. i tried changing the values from 0/1023 to 0/1 in processing, but you need to be pressing it at the hardness threshold to register a 1, so i just left it. thanks guys.
the spacing on this site for code is really weird lol. i apologize for the mess up there.