I have a problem.I want to calculate an angle but I get strange values.Normally you calculate an angle like this with tangengs,but the values I get didnt make any sense.I want a value in degrees (0 - 360) ?The angle I want is a.
I am making a project named "BrowserCraft" it´s a little bit like Minecraft in 2D or Terraria but its a own game.
Today I finally made it run in Browser,it was a big problem because in the beginning it was programmed in Java-Mode.
And now there is the problem that the game is running in Java-Mode on 50 FPS and in Browser with processing.js version 1.41 with 0.4 FPS xD.I runned it also on my PC with xampp but there is the same problem and I think processing.js causes the problem.
BrowserCraft is a very big project with over 6000 lines of code and originally was my graduation project.
But I was surprised how strong the normal Processing in Java-Mode is because it runs trouble free with 50 FPS.
Is there a way to get it playable with other hardware or allocate it more memory/CPU or something like this?
I wrote a bigger game in Processing and want to publish it as a browsergame.
I bought webspace and own a domain and have no idea how to export the game on the website.
Finally it should be possible to go on the website and play the game.
The game has many png graphics and is more than one .pde file.