This might be a simple one, but I'm a little confused on the createRecording syntax using the minim library.
I am trying to declare an array of recordings that will be blank but will later contain recordings. This is just to set the recordings up to keep them within the array range. I am a little confused about the createRecording syntax's first parameter: Recordable source (i.e. the syntax is createRecorder(Recordable source, java.lang.String fileName, boolean buffered) as found on
the minim page; I'm not sure what the Recordable source is in this instance.
My code at the minute contains the two sections below. Here I have used "in" as the first parameter as this is something I have seen on various forum posts, but Processing is telling me that it has nothing called "in" so I'm a little stumped (I had presumed this might have been part of the minim library).
I don't reckon making the recordings will be that difficult, but initially declaring them has left me a little baffled.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can post more of the code but it's a bit messy with other libraries/arduino inputs etc. and these are really the only lines that I am having real trouble with.
Thanks in advance!
AudioRecorder [] recording = new AudioRecorder[10]; //This is an array for //storing recorded audio files
void minim_setup(){ minim = new Minim(this); for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++){ recording[x] = minim.createRecorder(in, "recording" + x + ".wav", true); }