c0.ellipse(x*scl, y*scl, s * dotSize , s * dotSize );
c0.endDraw(); // stop and save pdf
println("... done exporting.");
void dropEvent(DropEvent theDropEvent) {
// if the dropped object is an image, then
// load the image into our PImage.
if(theDropEvent.isImage()) {
println("### loading image ...");
img = theDropEvent.loadImage();
I am using Sojamo Drop function (drop image into processing) and have change the export to PDF format versus, P2D (jpeg/pixelated)
The program works great, but the exported file is far too big.
For example;
drop image into processing: 55KB
exported image: approx 4.4mb
I understand what pdf export does; it exports out as vectorize image as well, making the filesize far too big, but again, when I open up the file, it takes far too long to open. OR When I want to edit the images in Adobe illustrator, it becomes, I notice they save the "drop" image together with vectored ellipse.
Is there anyway I could, 1) Render the images quickly. 2) Export it without using too space but maintain its vectored dots. 3) I would also like to center the 'drop' image within the size of (1024,720)
notes: I am just annoyed during the real time editing. (it gets really slow) but apart from that, converting it into jpeg, No problems with that.