im having a lot of trouble trying to get my 3D etch a sketch background to rotate to allow the user of my etch a stech to see their 3D image clearly and i am wandering how it can be achieved :
here is my code so far:
import processing.opengl.*;
int x, y, z;
int speed = 10;
float a;
float b;
PImage etch;
color bgColor;//global declaration for random backgrounds
im currently doing a challenge at my uni which involves creating a 3D etch a Sketch . my group has managed to do a 2D version but cant get around doing it in 3D plz help.
2D Version code :
int xpos = 150;
int ypos = 150;
int rectWidth;
boolean left;
boolean right;
boolean up;
boolean down;
color bgColor;//global declaration for random backgrounds
PImage etch;//loads image of the frame of etch a sketch