I am looking for someone to collaborate/hire to do a some programing. I know some programing but I need help. This is for my thesis show at CalArts where I am an MFA/Art. I have a limited budget.
What I need is pretty simple:
A news ticker that parses RSS/XML Feeds (think cnn headlines rss/xml feed) The RSS Feeds should be change able/ editable later. I want to be able to paste in an RSS url or two or three or more. The RSS Feeds need to self update every so often, say once an hour.
The news ticker will be displayed in varying full screen resolutions. I will need to the code commented to show me where to edit to change resolutions.
Now the interesting part:
I also want each letter of the news ticker to create a sound note in a low register. I am looking for bass mostly. So each letter of the alphabet should cause a unique note to play for the duration of the letter on the screen, so when the news ticker is going slow the notes will be sustained, when the news ticker is going fast notes will be faster.
The news ticker part of this project should be pretty easy. I have found the parts that I need in the processing.org forums. The RSS feed can also be XML which I think processing can work with without using add ons, but you may have to load a library.
Even more interesting part:
Ideally I would like a camera interaction (open to other suggestions) that will slow down or speed up the speed of the news ticker depending on the proximity or nearness/far-ness of a person. Ideally setup so that I can adjust these distances and speeds. For example: The speed of the news ticker would increase if a person is within 6ft of the camera. This element is non-essential for version 1, and could be incorporated later. I am thinking that the video part of this could be very basic. Meaning, if someone enters the frame something happens. That is if something enters the video frame, the speed of the ticker would increase. When the person leaves the video frame the ticker will go back to the original speed. It does not have to actually measure proximity or distance, it just has to notice. In other words I want to use the video feed as a very basic motion detector. If you can think of a better way to do this I am open to any ideas.
I am an artist so I have a limited budget for this project, I would love to exchange, or collaborate but I am also ok with paying a little for your time.