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Dominic Bertram Escobar Sprohnle's Profile
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    Hello Everybody

    I'm new here and I'm working at a Photo-Project and I desperately need your help.
    First of all, is there any way to load pictures into Processing directly from the camera, without needing to import them first into the data-sketch folder?
    Secondly, I found the basic code for putting transparency to pictures. Now I want transparency, but on multiple layers. This means that I want put 10 times the same picture on top of each, but every with a different displacement to the orig. background img. And each of them transparent, obviously.

    I used this code:
    PImage img; float offset = 0; float easing = 0.05; 
    void setup() { size(640, 360);
    img = loadImage("moonwalk.jpg"); // Load an image into the program
    void draw() { image(img, 0, 0); // Display at full opacity
    float dx = (mouseX-img.width/2) - offset; offset += dx * easing;
    tint(255, 126); // Display at half opacity
    image(img, offset, 0); }

    But instead of a floating img. through the mouse movements i need it steady. I just varied the .width/2 to .width/42 and deletet mouseX-img. It worked out more or less, but I dont think thats the propper way.
    Can ANYBODY help me or give me some advice? I would highly appreciate it and would be very thankfull.
    Kind regards