At the moment im using Rita to generate associated text but really would like to know how i can implement these text sequences into speech? What libraries or code can i use? Thanks.
I can generate sequences of text no problem (RiMarkov), projecting the sequences on screen but i also want to hook up speakers using RiSpeech to transform text to speech. Basing my project around 'The Cocktail Party Effect' & I need it for a quick showing.
Code; Plain & Simple.
import rita.*;
int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 60; String data = "";
RiText rts[]; RiMarkov markov;
void setup() { size(600, 600); // a little info msg new RiText(this, "click to (re)generate!", 135, height/2); RiText.setDefaultAlignment(LEFT); RiText.setDefaultFont("UbuntuTitling-Bold-48.vlw");
// create a new markov model w' n=3 markov = new RiMarkov(this, 3); //markov.setPrintIgnoredText(true);
// load 2 files into the model markov.loadFile(data+"wittgenstein.txt"); markov.loadFile(data+"kafka.txt"); }
void draw() { background(150, 204, 0); }
// generate on mouse click void mouseClicked() { RiText.deleteAll(); // clean-up old data
String[] lines = markov.generateSentences(1);
// lay out the return text starting at x=20 y=50) rts = RiText.createLines(this, lines, 20, 50, 25); }