I'm working on a project that allows me to draw 3D shapes in the air with an infrared pen.
Currently my infrared camera is communicating to an arduino through I2C. I use Processing to get the data and display it.
The camera gives me X,Y coordinates and I have an ultrasonic range finger giving me depth info.
I want to be able to get depth information by using 2 cameras and parallax differences though. I can't figure out how to get the 2 stations and the computer to communicate together efficiently though. Right now I have the 2 stations plugged in 2 different USB ports on my computer. I'm currently using the code below but there is no response from the system. Perhaps I need to change the code on the arduino? Any advice or pointers to resources?
import processing.serial.*;
Serial firstArduinoPort; //creates object "firstArduinoPort" of serial class
Serial secondArduinoPort; //creates object "secondArduinoPort" of serial class
void setup()
println(Serial.list()); //prints a list of open ports use this to doublecheck which port is which
//also make sure to assign correct boud rate
//initialize serials
firstArduinoPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200); //port 4
firstArduinoPort.bufferUntil(' ');
secondArduinoPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[8], 115200); //port 6
secondArduinoPort.bufferUntil(' ');
void draw()
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
//println("serial event detected");
if (myPort == firstArduinoPort) {
String myString = firstArduinoPort.readStringUntil(' '); //reads string until space -- follow example