Processing Forum
digithree's Profile
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    Hi, hope I'm in the right sub forum for this.

    I'm trying to use a Processing app I wrote in a Java application. The Java application just consists of a Swing JFrame with textboxes and sliders to control settings in the Processing app. The Processing app just renders an image based on these inputs. And I'm using NetBeans as my Java IDE by the way.

    I've managed to import the Processing file (which was exported to an application) converted to Java, no problem there. The only thing is, when the Processing class is finished rendering, I want to close it but not terminate the whole app. As it stands, I can only come up with two ways of closing the app, calling exit() and calling destroy() (which is inherited from the Applet class), both of which close the entire app.

    I would like to keep the JFrame form running. Any ideas from anyone? I can upload code if anyone wants but I'd say ye get the idea.