I am struggling phenomenally hard with making it possible to click on the bombs and make them disappear, if any one is able to do it I will be in debt to you forever. Please make my day and help me out, Il send you the data files needed to run if needed. Please and thanks..
Nazi r1;
PImage img;
PImage bg;
PImage CLDS;
import ddf.minim.*; //minim/ audio
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
int INTRO = 0; // Start screen
int RUN_GAME = 1; //Game
int gameState = INTRO; //start
int numBombs = 12;
Nazi[] bombs = new Nazi[numBombs]; // Declare and create the array
Hey everyone, I could really use some help. Im trying to use mousepressed to be able to click on falling bombs but im not exactly sure how to do it. This is what I have so far. Any help would be amazing thanks!
Nazi r1;
PImage img;
PImage bg;
PImage CLDS;
import ddf.minim.*; //minim/ audio
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
int INTRO = 0; // Start screen
int RUN_GAME = 1; //Game
int gameState = INTRO; //start
int score=0; //Inital score
int lives=10; //lives you start with
int numBombs = 12;
Nazi[] bombs = new Nazi[numBombs]; // Declare and create the array
Hey guys, Im trying to make little bombs drop from the sky. I had it working with little ellipse's but I'm trying to change them to a PNG of a bomb. It appears to load then alll the sudden a null pointer exception error appears. Does any one know what to do?
Nazi r1;
PImage img;
int numBombs = 10;
Nazi[] bombs = new Nazi[numBombs]; // Declare and create the array