This is my very first post in the forums, nice to meet you all! I learn Processing as a hobby, but I am very proficient in Max/MSP!
Now, I made a small program, from on the official Processing book's tutorial, based on a 800x1200 picture and a scrollbar, that moves a picture left and right. 0 being the center, -100 means left and 100 means right.
My question is: How do I move specific regions in a photo? For instance, I want to move the first block of 800 x 40 to the left, the next block to the right, and so forth!
I would imagine it would be with a "for" loop... Maybe with a loop that counts to 1200 (for the y axis, that is) and if the modulo of 40 gives 0 then it moves to the left, if not to the right? And then, how can you connect it to the scrollbar? I am not experienced enough to figure it out on my own, and maybe what I am saying is complete bogus!