There is a beautiful processing application in the exhibit that uses 3D arcs, or ribbons, to represent the flow of information on a map. I am trying to recreate this for biological visualization.
I am using the GLModel library to make a model with several thousand lines (
example here). I am trying to make some lines appear thicker than others within the same model.
I saw the
setLineWidth() function and like how it expands the line cylindrically. Unfortunately, it increases the size of
all lines in the model. I saw the
linearComb() function from the PDBView example, but I could not figure out how to use it. Is there a way to increase the width of only certain lines within the model?
I am drawing over 30,000 lines and want to make the rendering process more efficient. When I rotate the stage in 3D, I currently have to re-draw every singe line, which causes heavy lags.
I know theres got to be a more efficient way to do this, and I was hoping you might have some advice.
Thanks you so much for your time and input!
Below is a simple sketch that illustrates the re-draw inefficiency: