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daniel.eds's Profile
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    I just released a library for an simpler handling of jbullet (rigid bodies) in processing:

    bRigid provides classes for an easier handling of jBullet in Processing. bRigid is thought as a kind of Processing port for the bullet physics simulation library written in C++. This library allows the interaction of rigid bodies in 3D. Geometry/ Shapes are build with Processing PShape Class, for convinient display and export(dxf)

    jBullet is a Java port of Bullet (c) 2008 Martin Dvorak http://jbullet.advel.cz/
    Bullet Physics Library (c) 2003-2013 Erwin Coumans http://www.bulletphysics.com/ 
    this work would be not possible without the jBullet/processing examples of Giulio Piacentino and Richard Brauer

    I hope this could be an initial push, porting a physics library like bullet to processing.

    you can download it:

    for processing: http://www.lab-eds.org/bRigid
    for coding: http://github.com/djrkohler/bRigid

    I just released my first library:

    Punktiert is a particle engine / simulation library based and thought as an extension of Karsten Schmidt's toxiclibs.physics code. This library is optimized for the local negotiation between particles. And it allows hierarchies between multiple particle groups. The access and methods are simplified, no more difference between 2D/3D, extended behaviors.

    This library is developed through and for an architectural context. Based on my teaching experiences over the past couple years, I decided to bring my experience back to where they originated.

    you can download it:


    is it possible to change the style settings for a PShape in retained mode? The way I figured out mixes colors instead overwriting the previous one.  Obviously, a style switch from frame to frame works perfect in immediate mode, whereas I would like to work with rigid shapes. The meshes stay the same all the time but in the case of e.g. collision events I would like to change their style.

    Something like so:

    PShape retShape;

    void setup() {
    size(400, 400, P3D);

    retShape = createShape(RECT, 100, 100, 100, 100);

    void draw() {

    if (mousePressed) {
    fill(200, 0, 0);
    else {

    PShape immShape = createShape(RECT, 200, 200, 100, 100);


    thanks . Daniel