Right now what this does is if you hover over the squares (there are three of them which are spaced out in the screen, then you trigger different sounds. I was wondering if it is possible to trigger videos instead of sound. Will this be possible. So basically if you hover over the box then a particular video plays till the end of the video. And then stops until you hover over the box again. Im using "hotpoints" as described in the "making things see" book about kinect.
I am trying to create a video grid. An array of videos (in a matrix format,
http://chem4823.usask.ca/images/matrices1.gif) where each number is a video. And having around 8 videos playing at the same time. Then I need to send every video out separately through syphon to either mapper or any other software like that (using
https://vimeo.com/32032407). The video explains how to send something over to mapper using syphon and processing. Which I got working.
So right now I need to create the grid of videos and send them over separately to mapper. Is there anyone who knows how to? Any help would be appreciated.