I have probremas as sometimes the algorithm A star, gives me the route from the endpoint to the starting point, and in other cases does not give me the route or a route straight will attach some pictures so they can see.
Picture 1.
Tables are dark yellow route boxes, white boxes in the list boxes are closed and the blue boxes are in the open list.
in the picture above it seems that everything is fine, but the problem arises in the following situations.
in the following picture fine too.
Error in Astar in the follow pictures...
in the following pictures you can see that the algorithm is not scoring well I end path, errors have proven time and otherwise, but I can not always make the algorithm fits well for any route with obstacles or not.
I need to solve this problem the algorithm is about my thesis University of Francisco de Paula Santander Colombia, Cucuta, this is an application that will direct to a mobile robot to verify if the path is clear of obstacles, in my university do not handle processing I'm starting with, so I need help from the communities, will attach the code of algritmo be grateful to all those who can help me.