I want to scrub a video displayed using APVideoView using my slider (built using Processing). However, it seems like the APVideoView is always on top of all other elements when being used. I have search around and have some thoughts about this:
1. Instead of using APVideoView, I tried using MediaMetadaRetriever getFramtAt() to extract the current video frame in Bitmap and use PImage to display it. However, getFrameAt() performance is too slow (tested on Samsung Galaxy SII). I don't think I can achieve real time video scrubbing with this.
2. Some discussion also suggest that it is possible to use FFMPEG to extract frames in the video in real time. If I can do this I can use Processing's PImage to draw those frames as underlying images. I haven't tried this yet because it seems like a lot of work setting up FFMPEG for Android.
3. Use RelativeLayout to modify the Z-order of APVideoView. I don't have a lot of Android experience by some Google search suggests that this may not work.
Also issue 1335
https://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id=1335 mentioned that it is currently not possible to draw on top of a VideoView due to the current Processing Android structure. I'm not sure if this is true or not. So if anyone has had any experience with this problem, I really appreciate comments and suggestions.