I've downloaded Processing to my XP SP3 machine and it won't run. Double clicking on processing.exe brings up the splash screen briefly, followed by a window which disappears very quickly that says, "An error occurred while starting the application: Access is denied". This is with Processing 1.5.1.
I also tried with the latest, version 2.0b8. In this case, all I get is the splash screen for a few seconds, then nothing.
I tried the advice in the Troubleshooting section and have the launch4j.log file. The contents are shown below for both cases. The only difference to my eyes are that 1.5.1 has the "Access is denied" message and 2.0b8 says "Exit code: 0"
Any idea what to do to fix this for any version?
Thanks a lot,
Version 1.5.1
CmdLine: C:\Documents and Settings\my_account_name\My
Documents\processing-1.5.1\processing.exe --l4j-debug
WOW64: no
Working dir: C:\Documents and Settings\my_account_name\My Documents\processing-1.5.1\.
Bundled JRE: java
Check launcher: C:\Documents and Settings\my_account_name\My