my team and i have a problem with the realization of our idea.
which is like this: processing gets images from flickr to one to three tags that you can enter in the text fields. this pretty much works somehow.
then processing should analyze the color pixels and put them out. we can see at this point the pictures that processing gets from flickr as pixel pictures.
after that we would like to sort the pixel after saturation, etc. we found this in the book »generative gestating«. final presentation should be that the
pixel analyzation is shown separately in one to three fields, depending on the amount of tags you entered.
i.e. you enter the words »snow«, »galaxy« and »forest« processing searches a certain amount of pictures from flickr, analyzes the color pixel and sorts all pixel from one word and its pictures in a rectangle. in the end you have 3 so called »color mood« rectangles from the accordingly tags, put out in a poster.
but the problem is that we can't combine all the stuff. it seems that only tag field 3 is working. and we can't accomplish sorting the pixel from ALL flickr pictures from one tag.
ok, sounds all a little bit chaotic but we hope you can help us! any hint is appreciated :)
.setPosition(250, 35)
.setRange(0, 100) // values can range from big to small as well
.setPosition(250, 105)
.setRange(0, 100) // values can range from big to small as well
.setPosition(250, 175)
.setRange(0, 100) // values can range from big to small as well