I'm a Computer Engineering Student interested in computer graphics, 3D rendering, algorithms, complexity theory applied to computing, ray-tracing, network security and project management.
Using processing.network core lib, byte arrays greater than 9200 fail during transmission and arrive incomplete. Why is it happening? Does it mean byte arrays must be split in order to be sent?
It's very urgent for me, if you can help me as soon as possible, I'll really appreciate that and I'll be complete gratefully. I'm coding a scene in 3D using OPENGL renderer. I use some events to rotate camera around point <0, 0, 0> or It's possible to follow a moving object. That's is pure 3D but I need to put some texts in top left corner to show some variables such as object position and speed as well as a ControlP5 ControlGroup at top right corner but I have serious troubles making fixed those texts and controls because these start to rotate with the whole scene and become completely a mess.
How can I put on top of my PApplet window without using ControlWindowCanvas but within the scene fixed in a place and ignoring rotation and transformations with mouse events?
I'm a GSoC student interested in building a third-party library and updates manager within Processing PDE. It would consist of a control and download tool helping developers to access libraries sorted by category or alphabetically and optimizing the development workflow. I got inspired in ideas list from the wiki.