test and test2 work fine but test3 shows nothing.
It's like test3 had absolutely no data in it. :(
What I found works best for me (for a video game).
is getting rid of "layer1" and having all the "frames" aligned in the same place (it looks like a mess but it works).
EDIT: Changing to renderer in the size() function from P2D to JAVA2D fixed it. If there is a way to turn it off in the P2D renderer let me know. >< I didn't occur to me until after I posted this...
I'm making a game engine using Processing in Netbeans.
I have a sprite object and when I try to flip it across the X axis the frames end up blurred. Is there any way to turn that off?
I have the XScale set to -1 in the main class.
Here's my sprite code.
package c13engine;
import processing.core.*;
/** * * @author ChrisXIII */ public class C13Sprite { public static final int LOOP = 1; public static final int ONE_SHOT = 2; public static final int PING_PONG = 3; public static final int TOP_LEFT = 1; public static final int TOP_CENTER = 2; public static final int TOP_RIGHT = 3; public static final int LEFT = 4; public static final int CENTER = 5; public static final int RIGHT = 6; public static final int BOTTOM_LEFT = 7; public static final int BOTTOM_CENTER = 8; public static final int BOTTOM_RIGHT = 9; private PApplet p; public PImage[] frames; private int animType; public int drawType = TOP_LEFT; public float imageIndex = 0; public float imageSpeed = 1; public float XScale = 1; public float YScale = 1; public float rotation = 0; private boolean PP_forward = true;
public C13Sprite(PApplet papp, PImage[] imgs, int type) { p = papp; frames = imgs; animType = type; }
public void updateFrame() {
switch(animType) { case LOOP: imageIndex += ((int)Math.floor(imageIndex+imageSpeed) >= frames.length) ? -imageIndex : imageSpeed ; break; case ONE_SHOT: imageIndex += ((int)Math.floor(imageIndex+imageSpeed) == frames.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case PING_PONG: if (imageIndex == 0 && !PP_forward) { PP_forward = true; } if (imageIndex+1 == frames.length && PP_forward) { PP_forward = false; } imageIndex += PP_forward ? 1:-1; break; } } public void draw(int x,int y) { p.pushMatrix();//------------------------------------------------------- p.translate(x, y); p.scale(XScale,YScale); p.rotate(rotation); PImage img = frames[(int)Math.floor(imageIndex)]; switch(drawType) { case TOP_LEFT: p.image(img,0,0); break; case TOP_CENTER: p.image(img,(int)-img.width/2,0); break; case TOP_RIGHT: p.image(img,(int)-img.width,0); break; case LEFT: p.image(img, 0, (int)-img.height/2); break; case CENTER: p.image(img, (int)-img.width/2, (int)-img.height/2); break; case RIGHT: p.image(img, -img.width, (int)-img.height/2); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: p.image(img, 0, -img.height); break; case BOTTOM_CENTER: p.image(img, (int)-img.width/2, -img.height); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: p.image(img, -img.width, -img.height); break; default: p.image(img,0,0); break; } p.popMatrix();//--------------------------------------------------------