We need (as part of our group project for software engineering) to basically convert the movement of a golf ball into tempo for Linux Multimedia Studio. So in other words we need to measure the speed of the ball (the time difference between two points, maybe).
We have practically no experience in Processing, but we're mostly familiar with Java. We've glanced at some of the examples and have more or less learnt how to use Processing, just not very adeptly.
We've been trying to look at the colour recognition code by James Alliban, but it's somewhat confusing.
Original title: University Project: Netbeans & Processing
[changed by moderator to look like a question, since the topic type is a question (worth searching...)]
I am a 3rd year BIT student at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. My software engineering group and I need to basically use a webcam, process some visual information and do stuff with it (the details are irrelevant at this point).
We're developing our software in Netbeans, and we want to use the Processing library to capture and manipulate the webcam data, as it's far simpler than the code we have at the moment in plain Java.
The question we have at the moment is, is there a way to make use of the Processing classes and methods without needing PApplet? We're trying to capture an image from a webcam right now and place it in a bufferedimage just to test, but we can't really see a way to get the stuff from Processing through to Java without using the PApplet.