i've been studying processing for the last 2 weeks from
http://processing.org/learning/ i have never studied any other programing before (except html and css like 7-8 years before), but it has been going well, i have understood up to the logic and method of arrays but i'm trying to understand the example in
http://processing.org/learning/2darray/ but even though i have read reference page of sin() i couldn't understand "Oscillation" step and "sin wave" step.
Could someone please explain the last two steps to me a bit clearer.
I'm going to form the ground units into cars and trucks and sky units to fighters. they are just raw drawings but it didnt go further because two fighters are calling color of the truck (Truckx) goes from X to -X. fighter's color suppose to be light and dark gray and Truckx's color is green.
Car c1;
Car c2;
Carx c3;
Carx c4;
Truck t1;
Truckx t2;
Fly f1;
Fly f2;