Hi! So I'm really new to Processing, and I've run smack into a wall that I can't find my way around. I'm using rome feeder to read an rss-feed, and I want to use the data from that rss-feed to create an array. However, I can't seem to get the variables from the array I make.
Here is my code:
import com.wyldco.romefeeder.*;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.*;
Feeder feeder; // the feeder
SyndEntry entry; // a feed entry
String content;
FeederClass[]feedercontent = new FeederClass[10];
void setup(){
size(displayWidth, displayHeight, P3D);
//create the feeder
feeder = new Feeder(this);
//turn on output to the console (useful for debugging)
feeder.verbose = true;
//set sort by published date
//default is unsorted (i.e. as ordered in the feed)