This is my first post. I have only been using Processing for about 2-3 days, I assume i have posted it in the right Section.
Basically I'm trying to get my LED Scroller to display the latest posts from Twitter. I'm currently using code from this website that was made by Tom Lynch. Since Tom's post Twitter has, as you probably know I'mplemented OAuth which means Toms script no longer works (just returning a 401 error). So i have tried to put the OAuth requirements on the code and so far i haven't had any problems with that part (although no doubt something will arise). But i do get a NullPointerException error when i try to run the program. I have a feeling it is something to do with OAuth because i didn't get this error previously. Both of the codes are below. If anyone could possibly help me out or point me in the right direction i would be so grateful.
import processing.serial.*; int message_no = 0; String message; int state = 0; boolean ready = true; Serial display; Twitter twitter; int num_messages;
void setup() { display = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0]); twitter = new Twitter("username", "password"); }