I think I am sort of halfway there :
reading out all the the R - G - B values for every pixel in a series of image files. See below.
I have a few questions though:
- it's incredibly slow - any way to improve performance?
- I am writing the values in a array of type "float" - how can I save this array to a text file / and ideally put a comma in between the values for separation?
- can I convert the array to a (very long) string ?
my sketch can't seem to load the required libraries when I am trying to run it - and it comes of with an error message altough I have copied the files into the folder specified under "preferences / sketchbook"
In particular I am trying to get the UDP functions to work
It's supposed to be called hypermedia.net but I can't find it anywhere!
Also, I would like to do a very simple image sampling : read out all the RGB values for every pixel of a given set of images - and send that through the UDP to Grasshopper / Rhino. In Grasshopper I can only sample a single image at a time.