I run Processing 2.0b7 Windows 64-bit version.
It seems there are some mistakes aobut the "Find in Reference" function in this version.
For example, if you select text "draw" and right click on it to pop out the context menu and click "Find in Reference", you'll get a alert saying "Could not open the URL file:/C:/mypath/processing-2.0b7/modes/java/reference/draw.html".
However, there IS a file at the same folder with very similer filename: draw_.html, and it IS the reference of the draw() function that I expect to see.
Is anyone having the same problem and any suggestions?
I'm running Processing 1.5.1 on Windows.
"Shift + Open Button" should trigger the
"Open in Another Window" function, but somehow it won't work since Processing 1.5 (and still 1.5.1).
Now I can only first do "Shift + New-Editor-Window Button", then open another sketch, quite inconvenient...
Not sure if this problem happens on Mac too.
Hope posting here will help fixing this bug on the next release.