Hi, i a nuwb using processingjs, i have a little problem.
i want to insert a text (using textarea) to my canvas, so the user can input a text from the textarea, after click a button, the text appear to the canvas, but it never appear.. there is my code:
<script src="processing.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawSomeText(id) {
var pjs = Processing.getInstanceById(id);
var text = document.getElementById('inputtext').value;
i'm work with button controlP5 in java processing. and there is an grayscale button, about, and help button, also open file, reset and another button.
my question is, when i click about or help button, then the grayscale button is set to off (can't press the grayscale button) until press the reset button.
i have a project for my study, i make a program using processing, to make histogram of image, then equalize the histogram. when i press the button equalize, then i want to make a button that the function to reset the image, so the image have the original color value, how can i do that?
i'm try create function to save pixel value in an array. but, it still didn't work, when i press the reset button there is no chage with my image. because value that be read with reset function is value after equalize.