I'm completely new to processing, and have set myself a project to help me learn. I'm making an interactive map of the counties of England.
I've opted for using an SVG with each county as a shape within the SVG. I have all the names of the counties, along with some data, stored in a 2D array. The names in the array correspond to the names of the county shapes in the SVG.
I would like to create all the county shapes using a loop, and then I can change their colours etc. to represent data. I've tried to do this by creating a PShape array and making each shape in the SVG an object using a loop with getChild(), but it doesn't work...
PShape UKmap;
PShape[] counties = new PShape[49];
int x = 40;
String lines[];
String [][] csv;
int csvWidth=0;
int mapX = width/2+250;
int mapY = height/2+50;
int mapSize = 600;
void setup() {
size(1280, 800);
UKmap = loadShape("UK_counties.svg");
fill(0, 150, 0);
//for importing csv files into a 2d array
//by che-wei wang
lines = loadStrings("UK counties.csv");
//calculate max width of csv file
for (int i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String [] chars=split(lines[i], ',');
if (chars.length>csvWidth) {
//create csv array based on # of rows and columns in csv file
csv = new String [lines.length][csvWidth];
//parse values into 2d array
for (int i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String [] temp = new String [lines.length];
temp= split(lines[i], ',');
for (int j=0; j < temp.length; j++) {
//draw the country map
shape(UKmap, mapX, mapY, mapSize, mapSize);
//create each county
for (int i=1; i < lines.length+1; i++) {
// counties[i] = new PShape();
counties[i] = UKmap.getChild(csv[i][0]);
//colour each county according to pop. density
fill(map(int(csv[i][2]), 0, 9000, 255, 0), 0, 0);
//draw the counties
shape(counties[i], mapX, mapY, mapSize, mapSize);
void draw() {
This gives me a NullPointerException, and I presume that's because the county shapes aren't being created. How can I name each one using the names from my array?