The Arduino seems to be responding to my hands being on the pennys, however the processing coded graph doesnt pick anything up (stays a flat line). Im wondering if its due to the outdated jar version, or something else?
Hi there, I'm completely new to Arduino and Programming in general, I'm trying to design new Video Game Concepts, my current project has lead me to Galvanic Skin Response Reading, using Arduino, I am working off Che-Wei Wang's GSR Reader project found here: .
I would like to create a second window displaying a series of images that change depending on the average reading taken from the GSR.
If possible to go further by displaying a counter that goes from 0 to 100 depending on the readings, if the average is over a certain ammount the counter increases towards 100%, if the average is low/normal it slowly decreases towards 0%.
I would like each individual image to display at different percentages, example:
0% - First Image
20% - Second Image
40% - Third Image
60% - Fourth Image
80% - Fifth Image
100% - Final Image
I have no idea how to do this myself, as my coding knowledge is 0, basically this is to provide a clear visual demonstration of changing values more suited to a video game, as apposed to the graph. (but both need to be visable.)
Does anyone know how this can be done? would greatly appreciate any advice.