Hi I've been doing some investigations into edge detection and corner detection. I am trying to use the Harris/Plessey Operator to grab corners from images, in this code I have used the Sobel operator to get the change dx and dy for each pixel and then applied the Harris operator to get a gaussian distribution of "cornerness". Unfortunately it seems to work well across the x-axis but along the y-axis it is far too sensitive. Doing a bit googling I see that I can use non-maximal suppression to reduce this.
I was wondering if anybody could either have a look at my code and see if they can see anything glaringly wrong with it (other than it's general hackiness) or point me towards somewhere that can tell me about non-maximal suppression in terms for the stupid. :)
My code:
float[][] sobelpixelarray;
float sigma = 0.05;
float[][] sobel() {
float[][] pixelarray = new float[width*height][2];
color px;
float Gx, Gy;
float greyvalue;
float intensity = 0;
float glength = 0;
// iterate over each pixel in the image
for (int x = 1 ; x < width-1; x++) {
for (int y = 1; y < height-1; y++) {
// Same as C(x,y) = det(M) - k(trace(M)^2
Cxy = (AVal*BVal-(CVal*CVal))-(0.14*(AVal+BVal)*(AVal+BVal));
Cxy = Cxy*-255;
//I have been experimenting here on trying to reduce the sensitivity to no avail.
if (Cxy < 0.1) {
if (CornernessPixelArray[x+(width*y)] < CornernessPixelArray[x+1+(width*y)])
CornernessPixelArray[x+(width*y)] = color(255,0,0);
CornernessPixelArray[x+(width*y)] = color(255,0,0);
} else
CornernessPixelArray[x+(width*y)] = color(0);
for(int i = 0; i<width*height;i++) {
if (CornernessPixelArray[i] != color(0))
pixels[i] = CornernessPixelArray[i];