I am fairly new to using Processing and the forum. I'm writing with a few enquires regarding the Processing library “Csoundo”, for working with Csound.
Does anybody know if Is there anyform of “supporting documentation” for the Csoundo library available, specificity, the different methods, within the library?
Vis a Vis the “cs.event” method, a. Is it possible to read an “i event” in, from a “csd / src” file into a Processing sketch, to edit the i event, before I write the event back out to the file? b. Can you use the Csoundo library to develop a new score file from scratch, from within Processing, and then write the score out to a new “csd / src” file, for passing on to Csound? Thanks you for your feedback in answering my queries.
Hello Forum
I'm a newbee, here and I'm having a bit of difficulty a “mousePressed” event. Or more specifically, I am using the Csoundo libarary in conjunction with Processing building a “Frontend GUI” to Csound. Now I can copy and recreate the effects in the downloaded examples, which download with Csoundo, see code below.
import controlP5.*; // import controlP5 library
import csoundo.*; //import the Csoundo library
ControlP5 controlP5; // controlP5 object
Csoundo cs;
void setup() {
frameRate (30);
controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);
cs = new Csoundo(this, "seven7.csd");
The problem I am having is, that the above code automaticly plays the Csound file. What I am trying to do, is to make this “file playing” conditional on the pressing of a button (bang). I have tried the “If, else” statement, the “mousePressed method” but with little sucess. My question is “Can anyone offer a little bit of advice as to the problem” Thank you for youer help and advice.