So I'm working on building and creating an interactive 2D world. I want the user to be able to move his cursor to the edge of the screen and scroll the world, as in the manner of a side scroller.
How do I go about this? Are there any libraries that are needed for something like this? Right now, I have a world composed of array objects that are displayed as blocks, as well as numerous other object classes that are displayed. How do I scroll the screen?
So I'm making a game where I want a turret object to be able to choose between a random set of targets. The targets are several arrays of similar objects (for example, 5 scout craft, 2 light fighters, 3 heavy cruisers). Once a target is chosen, the turret then fires its weapon at the target at its firing rate. Any suggestion for the best way to go about doing this?
// turrets can take damage void takeDamage(int dmg) { // Turrets are immobile targets. However, they can be upgraded with shields and DR, later. // 1d20+accuracy rating vs. 1d20+defense rating hull-=dmg; }
// turrets can target enemy ships void targetShip() { if (numSS!=0) { int temp=int(random(numSS)); for (int i=0; i<numSS; i++) { if (i==temp && noTarget==true) { ss[i].setTarget(); noTarget=false; } else { break; } } } } // if focus is on this cannon, its attributes will be displayed as text void checkFocus() { if (mouseX>=xPos && mouseX <= xSize+xPos) { if (mouseY<=yPos+ySize && mouseY>=yPos) { if (isClicked==false && hud.isObjectFocused==false) { isClicked=true; hud.isObjectFocused=true; } else if (isClicked==true) { isClicked=false; hud.isObjectFocused=false; } } } } }
class LaserTurret extends Turret { LaserTurret(float x, float y, float xS, float yS) { xPos=x; yPos=y; xSize=xS; ySize=yS; hull=100; accuracy=0.10; firingRate=60; name="Laser Turret"; } void fireLaser() { if (fire==firingRate) { for (int i=0; i<numSS; i++) { boolean temp=ss[i].isTarget(); if (temp==true) { l = new Laser(xPos, yPos, ss[i].xPos, ss[i].yPos); l.display(); ss[i].takeDamage(accuracy, l.dmg); fire=0; } else { } } } else if (fire<firingRate) { fire++; } } }
class Ship {
float xPos, yPos; // Every ship has a position on the 2D world plane. In addition, each ship has a height and width. int xSize, ySize; float hull, defense, xVector, yVector, dmgbonus, accuracy; // Every ship has a hull value, defense value, and speed values. The dmgbonus value is added in some form to the ship's weapons int firingRate; float aluminum, carbon, steel; // The materials the ship is made of and drops upon death boolean isClicked, isTarget; String name; // Every ship can be displayed on the screen void display() { fill(255); ellipse(xPos, yPos, xSize, ySize); }
// Every ship can move. The AI of the specific ships will determine the current x vector and y vector void move() { xPos+=xVector; yPos+=yVector; if (xPos>=width) { xPos+=-xPos; } }
// Every ship can take damage void takeDamage(float acc, int dmg) { // The attacker's accuracy rating and the defender's defense rating are rolled against each other as: // 1d20+accuracy rating vs. 1d20+defense rating float isHit=acc+random(20)-defense-random(20); if (isHit>0) { hull-=dmg; } if (hull<=0) { explosion(xPos, yPos, xSize, ySize); xPos=10000; yPos=10000; } }
// if focus is on this ship, its attributes will be displayed as text void checkFocus() { if (mouseX>=xPos-xSize && mouseX <= xSize+xPos) { if (mouseY>=yPos-ySize && mouseY<=yPos+ySize) { if (isClicked==false && hud.isObjectFocused==false) { isClicked=true; hud.isObjectFocused=true; } else if (isClicked==true) { isClicked=false; hud.isObjectFocused=false; } } } }
void setTarget() { isTarget=true; }
boolean isTarget() { return isTarget; } // Actions that ships take will be defined in their own classes }
// The most basic ship, and the first that you will encounter class ScoutShip extends Ship { ScoutShip(float x, float y, int h, int w) { xPos=x; yPos=y; xSize=h; ySize=w; hull=15; defense=0.05; xVector=4; yVector=0; dmgbonus=0; isClicked=false; name="[Class 0] Scout"; }
void AI() { // The most basic ship, the scoutship merely attempts to fly around randomly. // Several for loops will be activated by a random number, each one accelerating the craft in a random direction }
void fireWeapon() { // The scoutship has no weapon }
//display enemy craft if (numSS!=0) { for (int i=0; i<numSS; i++) { ss[i].move(); ss[i].display(); } }
// if any exist, display the laser cannons and if they are activated fire them! if (numCannons!=0) { for (int i=0; i<numCannons; i++) { mL[i].display(); mL[i].targetShip(); mL[i].fireLaser(); } }