this is a beginners work - one of the first sketches I made during an education-project. I thougt I shared the fruits of my labors with you.
The goal was to create a pattern-generator at any kind. Mine creates a radial pattern based on the time when you start the sketch up. When done it shows so with a green checkmark - if you like the pattern you can leftclick the screen and it will be stored as a screenshot and a CNC-file which can be used to mill the pattern. Size and depth need to be changed at the beginning of the code.
Have fun!
//importing CP5
//import controlP5.*;
//ControlP5 cp5;
//Textlabel myTextlabel;
float firstx;
float firsty;
float firstxmin;
float firstxmax;
float firstymin;
float firstymax;
int rot = 0;
int rotinc = 1;
int radius = 50;
float tiefe = -0.1;
int arbeitsgeschwindigkeit = 400;
float newx;
float newy;
float oldx;
float oldy;
boolean firstframe = true;
boolean play = true;
float h = 1* hour();
float m = 1* minute();
float s = 1* second();
float mapH = map(h, 0, 24, 0, 240); // MAPS HOURS TO A RANGE OF 0-240
float counterstartwert = mapH; // THE HIGHER THE NUMBER THE SHARPER IT GETS
id like to display values in my accordion-dropdowns but cant find a proper way to implement i.e. a "textlabel".
Could someone give me a hint how Id do this? isnt really easy to get into for newbies like me.
Edit: Ive also been wondering if I can edit the way the text of bangbuttons is being displayed can be edited. Id like it to appear right and left of some buttons, if possible. :)
im still quite new to processing && programming in general, so bear with me if this is actually an obvious thing to you :)
What im trying to get is a circle divided in a certain number of segments. The number of segments can be controlled via the keyboard (Later ControlP5).
I already wrote a class creating a segment. Right now I made it so the Constructor asks for the center of the circle (which is width/2, height/2) and the "void display" is fed with the angles of the starting-anchorpoint, the ending-anchorpoint and the radius of course.
The Sketch works without giving out an error, but it doesnt show anything.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: The Code its all about:
Kreissegment meinSegment;
int segmentzahl = 4;
int segmentmaximum = 12;
void setup() {
meinSegment = new Kreissegment(width/2, height/2);
ive been working and learning with Processing for a few weeks now, mind you - im completely new on the topic of programming, so this might be silly to ask: Can I create simple apps for the Windows 8 MetroUI with Processing?
Im spending quite some time in the Metroscreen and even though ive searched the Appstore up and down I found no Clock-app to place as a live-tile. They were all either un-handy ore rather ugly to look on.