I have been trying to load a .svg file using PShape but it's giving this error :
Ignoring <switch> tag.
Ignoring <i:pgf> tag.
I made the .svg file using illustrator CS5
It strange because when i use the file given in the PShape example, it works just fine. But as soon as i replace it with the file i created it returns the above error.
Hi everyone,
I'm pretty new to processing. i am trying to work with video right now for my school project and i had a question to ask.
I was wondering if i could have a set of short video clips ( say 20 in all ), out of which i could choose any three and make them play in the sequence of my selection ( like maybe each key triggers a video clip ). Somewhat like a play list, where i can cue those three clips before playing.
So far my progress has been to make those clips play in a sequence, but i couldn't figure out how to do the choosing bit of it.
import processing.video.*;
int maxMovies = 20; // Total number of movies int myMoviesIndex = 0; // Initial movie to be displayed Movie[] myMovies;
void setup() { size(720,480, P2D); myMovies = new Movie[maxMovies]; //array of movies
for (int i = 0; i < myMovies.length; i ++ ) { println(i); myMovies[i] = new Movie(this, i+1 + ".mov"); myMovies[i].loop(); myMovies[i].pause(); } }