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antonio.sejas's Profile
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    I need to load a object from Archicad. This file has .PLN extension and I don't know if it is posible!
    What files (3ds?, SketchUp ? ...)  and how can I load them using Processing.

    Some Help?
    Thank you very much.

    PS. I have found this library but it is broken:  http://labelle.spacekit.ca/supercad/

    PS2. And I know how to load a .OBJ but not a .PLN
    1. // Simple OBJ_Import example (also requires peasycam library)

    2. import processing.opengl.*;
    3. import objimp.*;
    4. import peasy.*;

    5. PeasyCam cam;
    6. ObjImpScene scene;
    7. float objectScale = 15;

    8. void setup() {
    9.   size( 800,600,OPENGL);
    10.   scene = new ObjImpScene(this);
    11.   scene.load(dataPath("spheres.obj"),objectScale); // where spheres.obj is your object's name
    12.   cam = new PeasyCam(this, 100);
    13.   cam.setMinimumDistance(1);
    14.   cam.setMaximumDistance(100000);
    15. }

    16. void draw() {
    17.   background(200);
    18.   perspective(PI/3.0,(float)width/height,1,100000);
    19.   scene.draw(); 
    20. }

    21. void stop() {
    22.   super.stop();
    23. }