Can't load SimpleOpenNI library (SimpleOpenNI32) : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: \SimpleOpenNI\library\SimpleOpenNI32.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Verify if you installed SimpleOpenNI correctly. Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: SimpleOpenNI.SimpleOpenNIJNI.swig_module_init()V
at SimpleOpenNI.SimpleOpenNIJNI.swig_module_init(Native Method)
at SimpleOpenNI.SimpleOpenNIJNI.<clinit>(
at SimpleOpenNI.ContextWrapper.<init>(
at SimpleOpenNI.SimpleOpenNI.<init>(
at sketch_oct09a.setup(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(Unknown Source)
at Source)
I have installed, OpenNI, NITE, sensor Installer Sensor Installer (Driver for Primesense Devices: Asus Xtion Pro,etc.)and Kinect Installer (Driver for Kinect) for Win32 and I'm using Processing 1.5.1
Does somebody know how to solve this error?
Thank in advance.
I was wondering if it is possible, how to get the rgb values from the blobs a blob detection detects.
For the blob detection I'm currently using thomas diewalds library for processing.
I was wondering if there is a library or script about recognizing shapes in processing?
I already googled but couldn't found anything usefull.
I would like processing to recognize certain shapes like a circle and square, these shapes are going to be drew in the processing sketch.
I was wondering if it is possible to load two images, these image will follow your mouse.
One images needs to leave a track and one images doesn't need to leave a track (refresh the background in draw).
Does anyone know if this is possible?