I'm trying to write this so that every 5 frames, an ellipse is drawn, and on the other frames, a rectangle is drawn (to make the ellipse fade out slowly). Help? This returns the error "unexpected token: frameCount"
void setup (){
size (1280,720);
ellipseMode (CENTER);
frameRate (30);
background (0);
strokeWeight (5);
color[] colorList = {color(255,78,80), color(252,145,58), color(249,212,35), color(237,229,116), color(225,245,196),}; //Creates a list of colors. Add more in a comma-separated list...
void draw () {
int w = width;
int h = height;
float d = random(150, 300);
float x = random(0, width);
float y = random(0, height);
color randomColor = colorList[ (int) random(colorList.length) ];