probably you've heard of the "introduction to artificial intelligence" online course given by professors Thrun and Norvig from Stanford. What's really fascinating about this topic (at least for me as a programmer) are the unusual patterns and principles used. Here's a simple demo:
Type or paste some text. Use one of 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian. While you type, the program will try to guess which language you are using. As the text gets longer, the match should get more accurate.
This sketch and the associated library are amazingly simple, and got the "feel" of these 5 languages by digesting the first few sentences of Kafkas "The Metamorphosis", in the original German and translated in the other 4 languages.
... " One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams"...
Java has been deprecated on Mac OSX, which means, Apple will not supply Java on coming OSX versions.
Since Processing is Java based, does this mean Processing is dead on the Mac? Unless Oracle provides a MacOSX version of Java, which in my opinion is improbable, it looks like it.
So switch to Ubuntu? Switch to a Python implementation of Processing?
We have been working on a standardized namespace within OSC, and it's implementation as a Processing / Java library.
SynOscP5 provides the familiar concepts of instrument (synthesizer, sequencer), voice, note, volume, tuning, pitch and many more. It also provides for a precise way of encoding musical values, such as frequencies, cents, velocities and scales.
It is not an "OSC-wrapped MIDI protocol" but a completely new system!