I searched the forum but couldn't find an answer.
Could you help me? I worte a script and in Firefox it works fine, but when I
use Safari it simple stops the script.
Here ist the code (I marked the code red where the function is wirtten and it is called):
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>aktuelles Projekt / ongoing project: Faust</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="de"> <meta name="description" content="Alexander Bauer, Lisa Schwalb, Jasmin Jerat, Alma Wellner Bou, Chris Herzog, Ferdinand Klüsener"> <meta name="keywords" content="generative, interactive, alexander bauer, alex bauer, jasmin jerat, lisa schwalb, chris herzog, ferdinand klüsener, alma wellner bou, performance, kunst, theater, art, theatre, faust, projekt faust, alaska, butti, feuerland"> <!-- Meta Tags Created With: STW Meta Tag Builder http://www.scrubtheweb.com/abs/ --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="index_auto-Dateien/index.css"> <script src="index_auto-Dateien/processing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">/* * This code searches for all the <script type="application/processing" target="canvasid"> * in your page and loads each script in the target canvas with the proper id. * It is useful to smooth the process of adding Processing code in your page and starting * the Processing.js engine. */
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void setup() { frameRate(15); size(1024,700); background(255,255,255); font =loadFont ("Verdana"); textFont (font,9); xml = new XMLElement(this, "faust.xml"); fausts = xml.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fausts; i++) { XMLElement kid = xml.getChild(i); id[i] = kid.getIntAttribute("id"); subs[i] = kid.getIntAttribute("subs"); ort[i] = kid.getStringAttribute("ort"); von[i] = kid.getStringAttribute("von"); to[i] = kid.getStringAttribute("to"); name[i] = kid.getStringAttribute("name"); body[i] = kid.getStringAttribute("body"); faust[i] = kid.getContent(); } planets = new Planet[fausts]; } void draw() { background(255,255,255); if(inat==true) { /*line(px-2,py-2,px+2,py+2); line(px+2,py-2,px-2,py+2);*/ // Drawing the Sun pushMatrix(); //Speichert vor dem Mittelpunkt translate(px,py); //Setzt den Mittelpunkt for (int i = 0; i < planets.length; i++ ) { MyContainer foo= planets[i].update(); if(foo.kurser) { if(foo.dragging2){ cursor(MOVE); } else{ cursor(HAND); welcherdrag=i; } } else { if(welcherdrag==i){ cursor(ARROW); } } planets[i].display(); for (int u=0; u<planets.length;u++) { MyContainer fu= planets[u].xuy(); if(fu.b.equals("hypochondrisch")) { anzieh = 200; coleur=fu.f; } if(fu.b.equals("paranoisch")) { anzieh = 170; coleur=lerpColor(foo.f,foo.f,0.7); } if(fu.b.equals("schizo")) { anzieh = 30; coleur=lerpColor(foo.f,foo.f,0.3); } if(fu.b.equals("masochistisch")) { anzieh = 100; coleur=lerpColor(foo.f,foo.f,0.5); } if(fu.b.equals("drogensüchtig")) { anzieh =0; coleur=foo.f; }
if(dist(foo.xa,foo.ya,fu.xa,fu.ya) < anzieh) { //strokeWeight(1); stroke(coleur,100); line(foo.xa,foo.ya,fu.xa,fu.ya); } } } popMatrix(); //Gibt nach dem Mittelpukt aus } else { stroke(#9E0E40,60); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,500,500); } } void mousePressed() { if(!inatr) { px=mouseX; py=mouseY; /*line(px-2,py-2,px+2,py+2); line(px+2,py-2,px-2,py+2);*/ m = millis(); } } void mouseReleased() { if(!inatr) { mm=millis(); gravity=(mm-m); inat=true; for (int i = 0; i < planets.length; i++ ) { planets[i] = new Planet(i,px,py,name[i],body[i],subs[i],faust[i],ort[i], 20 + i*10,i + 6,gravity,color(random(255),random(255),random(255))); } } inatr=true; }
class Planet { // Each planet object keeps track of its own angle of rotation. float theta; // Rotation around sun float diameter; // Size of planet float distance; // Distance from sun float orbitspeed,orbitabnahm; // Orbit speed float distancea,geschi=0; float groessev=0; float a,alpha1=0,alpha2=0,alpha11=0; float gravity, thetam=0,distanceam=0,xa,ya,px,py; /*float[] r= new float[9000]; float[] alph= new float[9000];*/ int [] xlon=new int[9000]; int [] ylon=new int[9000]; float jupl=0; int i = 0, subs=0, subsan=0,limit1=350,Nummer; int limit2 =round(limit1/1.75); String faust,ort,name,body; color strokec; int io=50; PFont font; // Selected mode switch int sel = 0; // Set drag switch to false boolean dragging=false,dragging2=false,once=true;
// If user releases mouse... MyContainer mouseReleased() {
// ..user is no-longer dragging dragging=false; return new MyContainer(xa,ya,Nummer,body,strokec,kurser,dragging2); }
MyContainer update() { // Increment the angle to rotate String namepro; //aktuelle Position xa = distancea*cos(theta); //Ausrechnen wo sich der Mittelpunkt des aktuellen Planeten befindet ya = distancea*sin(theta); //-"- // println(xa); if(i<limit2) { theta += orbitspeed; //Abnahme der Geschwindigkeit distancea+=a; xlon[i]=distancea*cos(theta); ylon[i]=distancea*sin(theta); //Aktuelle Position for (int y = 1; y < i; y+=1) { int j=y-1; stroke(strokec,40); line(xlon[j], ylon[j], xlon[y], ylon[y]); } } else { if(i>limit2&&i<limit1) { orbitspeed-=orbitabnahm; theta += orbitspeed; distancea+=a; xlon[i]=distancea*cos(theta); ylon[i]=distancea*sin(theta); /*r[i]=distancea; alph[i]=theta;*/ fill(strokec,40); text(name+" in "+ort+" - hat "+subs+" Kapitel und ist "+body, xa+4, ya); }
for (int y = 1; y < i; y+=1) { //Krass das er da durch die ganze Schleife durch muss. Ändern!!!!!!!!!! Frisst performance int j=y-1; stroke(strokec,40); line(xlon[j], ylon[j], xlon[y], ylon[y]); } if(i>limit1) { if(!dragging) { xa=xa+random(-1,1); ya=ya+random(-1,1); distancea=sqrt((xa*xa) + (ya*ya)); theta = atan2(ya,xa); xlon[i]=distancea*cos(theta); ylon[i]=distancea*sin(theta); } //Draw Subs for (int yy = 0; yy < subs; yy+=1) { if(yy!=0) { alpha1 += alpha11; alpha2=alpha1+alpha11; } else { alpha1=0; alpha2=alpha1+alpha11; } float gesch= floor((8+log(1/(i-limit1)))*1000); gesch=(gesch/100000)/5; if(gesch>0) { geschi=geschi+gesch; } //Die Koordinaten für den Vertex ausrechnen float x22=geschi*cos(alpha1); float y22=geschi*sin(alpha1); float x11 = xa; float y11 = ya; x22 = xa+x22; y22 = ya+y22; float x33=geschi*cos(alpha2); float y33=geschi*sin(alpha2); x33=xa+x33; y33=ya+y33; //smooth(); if( dist(x11,y11,mouseX-px,mouseY-py) < geschi ) { kurser=true; groessev=geschi; String z =faust; String yy1="sub="+str(yy+1)+":" "; String[] list = new String[99]; String[] liste= new String[99]; String list1=join(split(z,yy1)," "); //println(list1); // String list1=join(list," "); list=split(list1,'"=sub'); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) { String[] list11 = new String[99]; list11=split(list[yy],"ue="); list1=join(list11," "); list11=split(list1," text="); list[i]=list11[0]; liste[i]=list11[1]; } fill(strokec,100); if(dragging) { text(name+" in "+ort+" - hat "+subs+" Kapitel und ist "+body, xa+4, ya+(geschi+15)); } else { text(name+" in "+ort+" - hat "+subs+" Kapitel und ist "+body, xa+4, ya); } pushMatrix(); //translate((xa+px),(ya+py)); float alphi = atan2(mouseY-(ya+py),mouseX-(xa+px)); if(alphi<0) { alphi=alphi+TWO_PI; } if((alphi>alpha1)&&(alphi<alpha2)) { dreieck=true; } else { dreieck=false; } popMatrix(); if(dragging) { float alpha22=alpha1+(alpha11/2); float x44 = (geschi+40)*cos(alpha22); float y44 = (geschi+40)*sin(alpha22); float x55 = (geschi-(geschi/2))*cos(alpha22); float y55 = (geschi-(geschi/2))*sin(alpha22); x44=xa+x44; y44=ya+y44; x55=xa+x55; y55=ya+y55; if( dist(x55,y55,mouseX-px,mouseY-py) < (geschi/4) ) { fill(strokec,200); stroke(strokec,200); protection=true; px55=x55; py55=y55; namepro=list[yy];
}else{ noFill(); stroke(strokec,50); } if( dist(px55,py55,mouseX-px,mouseY-py) > (geschi/4) ){ protection=false; namepro="null"; } ellipse(x55, y55, (geschi/4), (geschi/4)); text(list[yy], x44, y44); line(x44-4,y44-10,x55,y55); line(x44-4,y44-10,x44-4,y44+5); line(x44-4,y44+5,x44+15,y44+5); //popMatrix(); } fill(strokec,100); beginShape(TRIANGLE_FAN); vertex(x11, y11); vertex(x22, y22); vertex(x33, y33); //Für online Version? line(x11,y11,x33,y33); endShape(); if (mousePressed == true) { dragging=true; if(once) { geschi=geschi*7; } once=false; } // Remember user has circle "selected" sel=1; if(dragging) { if(mousePressed==true) { dragging2=true; } else { dragging2=false; } } // If user has mouse down and is moving... if(dragging2) { if(protection){ if(namepro==list[yy]){ //Creat popup via javascript doesn't work for safari popitup2(list[yy],liste[yy]); } } if(!protection){ // Move circle to circle position xa=mouseX-px; ya=mouseY-py; distancea=sqrt((xa*xa) + (ya*ya)); theta = atan2(ya,xa); xlon[i]=distancea*cos(theta); ylon[i]=distancea*sin(theta); /*r[i]=distancea; alph[i]=theta;*/ } } } else { kurser=false; if(dist(x11,y11,mouseX-px,mouseY-py) > geschi) { dragging=false; //cursor(ARROW); if(!once) { geschi=geschi/7; } once=true; } fill(strokec,40); text(name+" in "+ort+" - hat "+subs+" Kapitel und ist "+body, xa+4, ya); noStroke(); beginShape(TRIANGLE_FAN); vertex(x11, y11); vertex(x22, y22); vertex(x33, y33); endShape(); sel=0; } } alpha1=0; } //smooth(); } i=i+1; return new MyContainer(xa,ya,Nummer,body,strokec,kurser,dragging2); } MyContainer xuy() { return new MyContainer(xa,ya,Nummer,body,strokec,kurser,dragging2); } void display() { // Before rotation and translation, the state of the matrix is saved with pushMatrix(). pushMatrix(); // Rotate orbit rotate(theta); // translate out distance translate(distancea,0); stroke(0); fill(0); ellipse(0,0,diameter,diameter); // Once the planet is drawn, the matrix is restored with popMatrix() so that the next planet is not affected. popMatrix(); } } class MyContainer { float xa; float ya; int i; String b; color f; boolean kurser, dragging2;
MyContainer(float xa, float ya, int i, String b,color f, boolean kurser, boolean dragging2) { this.xa = xa; this.ya = ya; this.i=i; this.b=b; this.f=f; this.kurser=kurser; this.dragging2=dragging2; } }