Hi, for a new project I need to process a Full HD video signal coming from a webcam and output it to a Full HD beamer ... now I have doubts about the performance ... basically I need to put different filters on the image, one will be a pixelating filter and another a monochrome filter. Is this possible with processing / is there enough performance with a mac mini 2.6Ghz i7, 4GB RAM?
I need to add vertexes based on array values, so i loop through the array always adding the vertex with the value from the array, but somehow it doesnt seem to work (shape doesnt get drawn)... what's wrong with this simple piece of code? Any help GREATLY appreciated...
Can't get iProcessing to run in current xcode 4.1 / iOS 4.3 on Lion ... build succeeds but while launching the app in simulator it crashes with: "Thread 5: Program received signal SIGABRT" and "Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone: mmap$UNIX2003 called from function _Z20TCMalloc_SystemAllocmPmm in image iPhoneGesture. If you are encountering this problem running a simulator binary within gdb, make sure you 'set start-with-shell off' first."