Hey, I started using Processing a coupple of months ago and I have a coupple of silly quiestions... well I made this code for some visuals for a concert... but I can't make the balls collide with each other.. can anyone please please please... tell me how to do it. I used sonia and the balls answer to the sound level.... now I need to make them bounce with each other... thanx!!! Heres the code:
import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;
int cuantas = 600;
Pelotas = new Pelota[cuantas];
void setup(){
for(int i=0;i<cuantas;i++){
Pelotas[i]= new Pelota(random(160+15),random(120+15),random(3)+0.2,random(3)+0.2,random(10)+2,random(200)+56);