I am running Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and Eclipse Indigo on a MBA Mid-2011 using Java 6. I had been able to utilize Eclipse and Processing via the Proclipsing plug-in without significant issue as late as alpha release 5 or 6.
However, with 2.0 beta 1 Proclipsing seems to have broken as it reports that the Application/Processing.app does not contain the core libs.
I think that the 2.0b1 of Processing has changed the locations of the core libs (this may have happened earlier) looking through the package contents it looks like the core.jar and many of the native open gl libraries are now in a core/library directory, which is why I am guessing Proclipsing can't find the libraries.
I am guessing I can't move the libraries around willy-nilly, so I was wondering if there was a way I could use Eclipse with Processing 2.0, since this is likely to remain the case for the final release of Processing 2.0. Is there a way to change the Proclipsing Plug-in to look for the core libs in the core/library folder?