The problem: Far objects draw on top of near objects. Inaccurate.
Fixes tried:
* hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST/SORT..), result: Sometime improvement, but not accurate enough for what I want
* Sort box ArrayList by z-depth, in effect changing "draw order" of box.draw() calls in draw loop, result: Corruption. Boxes dance around, and interchange size and location with each other as draw order is changed this way. Box location vectors are unchanged but boxes occupy apparently different positions.
* Subclassing P3D to customise renderer. Inserting a custom z sort prior to rendering triangles. Result : Zero change.
What I want: Ability to really control draw order so I can get accurate depth simulation in this 3d world and get accurate object visibility.
What I don't want : To use OpenGL. Why? I want guaranteed stable in browser.
I have struggled this for 2 days, I want to use processing but am considering rolling my own simple 3d renderer if I can't fix this.