Hi, I was wondering if somebody could help with some projects I'm looking to do some image manipulation on my photography. I'm a fashion photographer based in London and I really want to try and push image making in this field further, expand on online content and am currently looking towards developing a magazine and iPad version.
I'm really keen and have been trying to get my head around Processing as a way to start introducing these interactive and manipulative elements into my work. There are a few codes I've seen on ope processing such as interlaced, quick sort image control, 2D to 3D. I'd obviously like to push things much, much further and I can really see a potential in processing and also in canvas for hmtl 5. I've spoken with various technical people who can use these programs but so far no one has given me anything back and being somebody who doesn't know how these programs work, can't do them myself - I need to and want to work with people who are excited about image manipulation and want to work on projects to try and push this medium forward and introduce it to people.
I hope this doesn't sound too vague and I really, really hope that somebody can guide me through trying some things out and looking into new aesthetics.