I'm trying to get an object to animate around the path of an .svg file. I found the
ijeomanmotionlib library which is able to create a tween sequence around a path but i haven't managed to use the path of an imported .svg file.
Is this out of the limits of the library? If anyone has any ideas or knows something im missing that would be great!
My brain has gone into meltdown trying to work out how to do this seemingly simple code.
I'd like to get a box to rotate to the position of the mouse on mouseDragged (script below already does this), then on drag again start rotating the box from its rested position NOT where the mouse's current position is.
I have a small question to ask. I've made this little code, all it does is follow the mouse around and ease out as it gets to a stop. My problem is I would like it to do the oposite and
EASE IN instead of ease out. Unfortunately I just cant get my head around the maths. Could anyone help me here?
Could someone give me the heads up on how i would go about filling an empty space with objects I'm thinking of different sized triangles for now but would like to use this later using more complex shapes.
I'm guessing I could some how either turn the space into an arrayed grid and then ask each pixel if it has an object on it or not via some sort of collision detection.
Another way i think i could go about this by creating some sort of mask. each object would have a mask (black). a script would look at the "scene" detect the black areas. Then any white space would then be detected and filled up.
im just guessing these solutions up, any help would be much appreciated